Deployment thoughts, food, moving forward, Recipes, weekly wrap up

Going on 7…weekly wrap!

Well, we’re going on 7 weeks down this coming Tuesday.  As of late, things have somewhat evened out at least emotionally, that is until last week.  See, we are our HUGE inspection at work that gives us our national accreditation and they show up unannounced.  Ok, so deep breathes.  I walk in to work on Tuesday with the news they’ll be here in an hour.  No big deal, right?  Its just ONE day, and how bad could it be?  Well, when after introductions they announced they’d be inspecting our lab for THREE days.  Gulp.  Needless to say my long days and still needing to maintain our evening schedules left very little for working out.  Good news is, we got through the inspection with only minor write ups that have already been fixed. If stress burned as many calories as working out does, I’d be 10 lbs. lighter after last week.  ROFL!!!

Friday my oldest daughter, J, had plans with her friend, so I took my mini for Mani’s and Pedi’s after I picked her up from school and we ran a few errands. We never do things like this, so it was quite the treat.

Saturday J had a mandatory study session at school from 10:15-2:30 so after dropping her off my mini and I went out for breakfast.  And guess who we saw?!?  Donnie Wahlberg sat RIGHT there at the counter when I was paying for our meal.  No, I didn’t take a pic, but YES it totally happened, LOL!!!! Sure, Mark is cuter, but I was star struck nonetheless!


Saturday night I was heading to Chicago to watch The Avett Brothers in concert at the Chicago theater with a very dear friend of mine. We headed downtown at around 4 P.M., had dinner at the Public House, and went for drinks at 3 Dots and a Dash before heading to the concert.

I haven’t been “out” in ages, I supposed more so due to guilt because I feel like my kids need me even more now that we are a single parent family.  But J said, “Mom, GO!  Have FUN!!!”  And fun, I had.  I smiled the entire evening, and sang my heart out during the concert.

Sunday I really wanted to relax.  But, I had my fun last night so yard work trumped my plans of lounging on the couch.  I spent 2 hours spreading turf builder and weed killer on my 1.5 acres of land.  My arms are truly, officially SMOKED.  LOL!!


Tonight I cooked a simple yet yummy dinner!!!

Here’s the recipe for my Asian inspired chicken. I marinated 4 chicken thighs in soy sauce, garlic powder, red pepper flakes and salt and pepper for 30 minutes.  I took 1 bag of baby broccoli and drizzed it with extra virgin olive oil, 4 cloves of minced garlic, 1/4 cup of parmesan cheese.  Season with salt and pepper and place on a baking sheet, and roast for 40 minutes at 375 degrees.  Simply pan fry the chicken (pouring the marinade over the top) in a non stick pan for about 12 minutes or until cooked through.  Cut at a diagonal, and serve over your favorite brown rice/quinoa.  Top with the roasted broccoli!


I’m linking up with Holly and Tricia for the weekly wrap!!  Please make sure to check out these (and all the amazing linkers) amazing ladies!!!  How was your week? Try any new recipes? Do you have a big yard?


Have a great week!!!!





54 thoughts on “Going on 7…weekly wrap!”

  1. Surprise inspections? Sounds like me and audits. YUCK. Stressful. I don’t like those mandatory Saturday study sessions the kids have sometimes. Our yard is not big but we live on a hill with huge trees. It’s not an easy lawn to maintain. I worked out there quite a bit this weekend. There is a never-ending supply of sticks and limbs to pick up. It’s definitely cross training. Thanks for linking with us Michelle. I’m proud of you!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I totally agree with you on the stress burning as many calories as working out! Just why can’t this be?? Glad the inspection turned out well and OMG I am sooo freaking jealous you got to see Mark Wahlberg! I do respect their privacy and know they are usually just normal people like me and you…. but I would be so starstruck too! He is such a hottie! 🙂 Why do you think I’ve watch so many of his movies here lately!
    Yay, for you going out and having a great time! We do need that more often than we think! I’m so very glad to read you enjoyed yourself.
    You have a beautiful yard and it looks very well taken care of!! Thanks Michelle for joining us! Have a great week!


  3. Beautiful land you live on and so much!! Looks like you had a great week. I love concerts. I would go to one every week if hubby was game. Thanks for sharing your recipe. You make it sound easy but it looks so nice and fancy-restaurant-style!!

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  4. Your property looks amazing…but I can’t even make grass grow properly on my postage stamp size plot of land, I don’t know how you do it – amazing!!! Also, OMG, you were next to Donnie? I totally had a crush on him in NKOTB days. lol


  5. I’m envious of people who make their food look so pretty! So not me. And lately I don’t want to cook anyway.

    Very glad you got out for a night of fun — your daughter was right, you needed it, and that’s awesome that she recognized it.

    Look at that, almost 2 months behind you!

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  6. 1.5 acres of land…….I know it is a lot of work but I am soooooo jealous!!! your arms look smoking hot in that picture! Suns out…guns out!!!

    Well hot dang that chicken recipe looks devine!! Thanks for that!

    Congrats on getting through the inspection…I used to hate those when I was a school director!

    I am trying to schedule some time with my daughter for manis and pedis…she has been asking.

    Have a great week!!


  7. Cool that you saw Donnie, doesn’t he and his wife live out your way? I think they were going to do a reality show from their hometown if I’m not mistaken. Way to get all of those acres of land turf-built and weed killed! 🙂

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  8. Those inspections sound crazy stressful! I am glad you made it through! For what it’s worth, I’ve been on the other end and it is stressful being the inspector, as well. OMG on Donnie! My mother in law LOVES Blue Bloods so she would die if she knew you ran into him! Your Asian chicken dish looks AMAZING. Gorgeous plating!


  9. I’m so glad you passed inspection! That had to be nerve-wracking!

    Are those boneless chicken thighs? I’m not much for dark meat chicken, but the recipe sounds great!

    We have a big yard, but we have a service care for it. Florida grass is an absolute you-know-what and in the summer, it has to be mowed about twice a week. Not to mention we are on a pretty steep incline down into the water – people have lost lawn mowers down there. You’re doing awesome, though!


  10. That is a huge yard! and so pretty and green, very nice 🙂
    I would have died to see a Walhberg! I do think Mark is a tad cuter too LOL Sorry Donnie…
    Glad you had a fun night after all the work stress!

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  11. Another good week Michelle! How cool is that – that you got to stand right next to Donny!!! 🙂 I watch Blue Bloods and really enjoy his acting (he is a bit of a hot head!!) – the weeks seem to be flying by!! 🙂 🙂

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  12. Sounds like you had a great week despite the stress at work. I find that kids are happiest when their parents are happy, so I never felt guilty about going out or doing something for myself. Firstly, it helps my sanity and secondly, it helps kids grow up be independent. They can survive and will not burn down the house.

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