Deployment thoughts, Sunday Supper, weekly wrap up

Weekly wrap 4/25-5/1

Well I swore I’d keep posting at least once a week, and even though I really contemplated posting that I’d be taking a break from the blog I decided to slap myself in the face and at least write SOMETHING.


Last week, I worked out….ONCE. Yup. Just once. Did I mention I have a half marathon (of which I originally signed up for the full) coming up in three weeks? #allthesuck


I just had too much on my plate. My work days equate to nearly 10 hours with my commute. Rushing home to pick up kids, go to my dental appt. Tuesday, my kids dental appts. Wednesday and getting my youngest to dance class on Thursday completely consumed the evening of last week, which is usually when I work out. The little bit of free time I had was spent cleaning, doing laundry, making lunches, paying bills and trying not to go nuts all in one breath. So Friday we went out for dinner to start our weekend right.  I did however spend the rest of my evening cleaning, but hey, what can you do?

My beauties
My beauties


I did decide to cut myself some slack and just have a FUN day with my girls on Saturday. My youngest and I ran errands and took the dog to the groomers while my oldest took her time getting ready (Seriously, HOW does it take TWO hours to shower and get ready??? LOL!!!!).

So handsome!
So handsome!

We picked her up, and headed out to see the movies. We saw The Jungle Book, and it was REALLY good. I was highly impressed with the special effects, and have been told the only “real” thing in the movie was the little boy. WOW! We then ate at one of our new favorite places in Geneva, Hache’. Our food was good, but sadly our service wasn’t on point. We chalked it up to “everyone has a bad day” and will definitely return. My youngest daughter came down before going to bed, and presented me with this.  Yes, we had a good cry…#allthefeels



Sunday I decided May is a new month, and I will be holding myself accountable by planking every day. No matter if it’s a minute or five minutes I will do my best each day. I’ll be posting my planks on my FB, so feel free to join in.


My youngest and I finished our puzzle, and we spent the most of Sunday relaxing and doing laundry.


I did bake some yummy trout!!! I simply seasoned with salt and pepper and a little extra virgin olive oil, and added shallots, garlic and lemons and dried basil. Wrap it up in parchment paper and bake at 350 degrees for about 20-25 minutes.



Sunday evening we got our last call for a bit. It was an emotional call, and seeing my husband tear up nearly broke my heart. He has been so strong through all of this, and I suppose a part of me secretly needed to see that he missed us too. Two months down, 10 to go!!!



How was your week? Do you find it difficult to juggle all the things?

I’m linking up with Holly and Tricia for the weekly wrap!  Please make sure to head on over and give these amazing ladies some love!






35 thoughts on “Weekly wrap 4/25-5/1”

  1. I love that quote about a minute NOT seeming short when you’re planking! I always feel like the timer has to be wrong. Great job getting it done this week. It seems like you had a lot on your plate any you got it done plus found time for fun with your girls on Saturday!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Even without kids, and with a husband at home to help, not to mention not working — yes! It’s still hard. I’m trying really hard to rest way more than I normally do, but there’s the usual chores, I have a chiropractor appt tomorrow, Lola has a vet appt Wed, I’ve got to get everything ready & packed, instructions for the pet sitter.

    And yes, every day I know I should have done just a little bit more.

    I would have run less last week only I know, from painful experience, that halfs are painful if I don’t get enough running in — even if it’s in my taper!


  3. Sounds like a busy wk. I have never made trout. I think it’d be too fishy of a fish….haha. If that makes any sense. But I guess it’s all how your prepare it. Yours does sound tasty! What a cute puzzle w the pups. But the real one is just adorable!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. You are an amazing woman for balancing everything that you do!!! I am really glad you were able to let loose and have a fun day with the kids on Saturday. I’ve heard great things about The Jungle Book! The trout dish looks extremely tasty, and hooray for planking every day this month! Big hugs on hearing from your husband. Yes – two months down, which is still two months less than what you had facing you two months ago!!!


  5. I’m really glad you posted Michelle! It can be hard to do with so many things life throws at us. But doing so keeps you connected to the world. The people you meet in the blogosphere may never be the people you meet in real life, but a connection is a connection. And in this life we can all use as much good as we can get.


  6. I’m so glad you decided not to take a break from blogging. We would have missed you! How great that you got to chat with your husband! Hope this week is a little less busy for all of you!


  7. Don’t be hard on yourself…you brushed your hair everyday last week (I think?) and kept your kids alive…COMPLETE SUCCESS.

    As for that drawing your youngest gave you? THE BEST and totally got me teared up!!!

    2 down!!!!!!! Woohoo!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  8. I like jigsaw puzzles! A five minute plank? Oh, my my. I’m still in the 3’s. I think you are doing a wonderful job juggling all the things! I’ve forgotten what’s it’s like getting the kids everywhere. Mine drive now…which is a whole different level of stress.

    Two months down! You’re doing so well. Cut yourself some slack, OK? Thanks for linking with us Michelle.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Seeing the picture of your handsome dog after being groomed, reminds me I have got to get our Aussie done. He has so much hair and when he walks no runs with me in the mornings, he gets so hot he will find any puddle of water to get in. I so want to see the Jungle Book, I’m glad you said it was good! For the most part I’m in with the planks again! Got 4 or maybe 5 days under my belt. I’m not busting any records but like you just getting them in. Yay for 2 months down!


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