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Weekly Wrap up 2-21-2016

It’s time again for the Weekly wrap up with Tricia and Holly.  If you want to read, support, and be inspired by others I definitely recommend checking out these awesome blogs.

Last week was a bit shaky for me, but I did manage to get in a few good workouts and my longest run of the year-10 miles of much needed solitude and soul searching.

Tuesdays miles/planks/strength training
Hump day planks!
Thursday’s miles along with a plank

Friday was rest day, and after the week I had at work I will admit I was ready for it.  My stomach was/has been a mess these days and my almost dormant IBS-D has been rearing it’s ugly head.  I woke up Saturday knowing I’d need a bathroom close, so I waited it out and started my long run at around 10 a.m.  Thankfully my stomach cooperated, and I was able to get a really solid ten miler in.  I have to give kudos to my friend Andrea for cheering me on. She’s just about the coolest person I know, and she ALWAYS knows when I need her, even without me asking.  Those friends are the best.

Saturday afternoon I took my daughter’s to a late lunch/brunch at a new place in Geneva called Hache’ Modern Brasserie which highlighted amazing French food.  We had the cheese and charcuterie plate, and were greeted by the Chef himself to present our appetizer.  J had fish and frites, S had steak and frites, and I had the Bouillabase.  All of our dishes were packed full of flavor and you could truly taste the passion in the food from Chef Andrew.  We were also even given a small plate of pork belly to share from the Chef as a complimentary dish while we waited.  The décor was modern French with pops of color and fresh flowers throughout.  We were even lucky enough to meet on of the owners, Peter, who delivered the flowers himself to our table.  Our service was impeccable, and we will definitely return in the future!

After lunch we were out shopping and my hubby tagged me in this post on FB.

He wrote-“Wherever I am, there is always something that makes me think of her. Snapped this picture flying over Venice, Italy”

I had to duck into one of the aisles to gather my composure.  #allthefeels

Today was a much needed day of rest filled with movie watching, craft making, and cooking.  Marcona almond crusted cod with quinoa/roasted veggies, and cilantro peas!


There really is no “recipe” for this fish, just ground marcona almonds, season with salt and pepper and bake in the oven at 350 degrees for 25 minutes!  Yummy, and easy!!

How was your week/weekend?  Highs/lows?  What’s the longest distance you’ve run this year?

Have a great week!!!

❤ Michelle



56 thoughts on “Weekly Wrap up 2-21-2016”

  1. Your planking time is phenomenal! The French restaurant sounds like a great date with your girls. Great job with the long run and I’m glad you had no tummy issues. That’s never fun. What kind of board is that you crafted? Are you supposed to put a dollar up when you complete something? What a sweet message from your hubby! Thanks for linking with us Michelle.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Holly! It’s a chore chart and we made up the tools for weekly or daily chores. Once the chore is complete for the week, I give my blessing and they get the “allowance”. We will refresh the board at the end of the week!


  2. Your meal looks so good. I do hope someday you can open your own restaurant if you want to. I’m glad your stomach cleared up before you went out. You had a good week with your workouts! That is such a sweet message from Brian. I hope the last week of February goes well for you. ❤️❤️

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Those friends that know what you need without you even saying it are the best! And wow, that dinner looks amazing. I am always impressed with the food you make 🙂


  4. Aw I’m having #allthefeels for you just looking at that pic! That new restaurant sounds like a total winner. Wow is pork belly the “it food” now or what? Strong week for you my friend!


  5. That is the sweetest post from you hubs 🙂
    You planked 5 min! Well done 🙂 I did plank but not for that long. I’ll take that as inspiration to push myself a bit this week.
    Glad your tummy let you enjoy your long run, I am sure you needed it!
    I ran 12 miles the last time I ran on Jan. 8th, I miss it…


    1. He really can be a sweetheart. ❤ My longest plank is 7 minutes, (I do alternate to side planks 30 seconds each to break up the monotony and work added core muscles), and hope to get even longer!! I hope you get to run again, soon! Thanks, Karen!


  6. Aw! That sounds like a lovely mommy/daughter lunch date.

    Even when you’re apart, you are together. What a beautiful post from your hubby! ❤

    My longest run this year so far was 14 miles. That was for half-marathon training. I definitely want to get another full on my calendar though.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Your planks are lookin’ good (and so are those arm/shoulders!!!). My longest run in 2016 has been 6.5 miles. I’ve got nothing longer than a 10K on my immediate calendar at the moment….still trying to decide if I should do another marathon in prep for the ultra in July (or wait and do one after… since I’ll be “in shape”). #decisions 😉

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Wait…..what…..a 6 min plank!!! You go girl! and your form is on point!!!

    Awwwww.so sweet of your hubby….XXOO

    I have never hand french food but that sure does look delicious!!

    I am glad your body allowed you to get your 10 miles in…good job!!

    Your daughters are BEAUTIFUL!!!!

    Neat craft!

    Liked by 1 person

  9. I Am Totally Blown Away, You Look Amazing!! Your Dedications Is So Paying Off. Well Done & I Am Proud Of You For Sticking With It. What A Journey. Sending You Positive Vibes To You AND Your Family.

    Keep The Plank Up


  10. Aww your hubby is so sweet! Nothing like getting those random love notes is there? Love the idea of the chore chart for when my kiddos get older!

    Liked by 1 person

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