marathon training, Recipes

Refocusing and a recipe

So wow…I haven’t blogged in a week.  My goal of 2-3 times of posting per week was shot last week.  And I’m totally ok with that.


Well, because I’ve realized I’ve spent far too much time engulfed in the virtual world that I lost site of what matters most.  What’s that?  Why family of course.  MY family.  ❤

So with that, I’ve spent more time reaching out, hanging out, and hugging my kids just a little tighter.  Most nights we are wrapped up in blankets on the couch watching previous episodes of “Once upon a time” on Netflix…TOGETHER.  And it wasn’t always this way.  Before my daughter’s accident, more times than not we would all go our separate ways after dinner.  But now, we nearly rush to spend our evenings together most nights.

My training is also back on track, and I managed to log 26 miles last week, which is a distance PB for 2015.  I had my 15 miler on Saturday, and it mentally jarred me, briefly…I had forgotten how hard a long run can be, especially when your only distraction is YOU.  No one to talk the miles away with, just you, and the road.  My first few miles truly SUCKED.  No pretty way around it, but I kept going.  I’d stop to stretch every few miles, and at miles 6 and 11 I fueled with my Chia HUMA gels. Just when I wanted to quit, I looked back on my first marathon and how hard it was and how badly I wanted to quit.  But I had my awesome sister with me, cheering me on every step and I could hear her voice in my head as I plugged along the middle of my run.  Mile 11 I started to really fade as I had run out of Nuun and the temps were getting REALLY warm for how I was dressed.  (It was 38 degrees when I started and finished up at a balmy 61 degrees). Then Andrea, Carolyn and my hubby shot me texts and suddenly the spring came back to my step and I took off.  15 miles?  DONE.  And with the help of 7 cardinals, 2 blue birds, and countless squirrels and chipmunks that cheered me on for 2 1/2 hours, LOL!

Mentally one of my toughest runs this year.
Mentally one of my toughest runs this year.

We booked our family vacation for the summer today, and I am SOOOOO excited.  We are headed to Marco Island, Florida for 5 glorious days.  We haven’t had a real vacation (we like our Chicago/Michigan staycations, though!) in 3 years, so this is long overdue.

So today I spent the afternoon meal prepping and making healthy snacks. (Gotta get beach body ready! lol) I made Kale chips (not sure how I feel about them, yet lol) and spicy chickpeas to keep handy.  Here’s the chickpea recipe:

Spicy Chickpeas

Preheat oven to 400 degrees

Rinse and dry two large cans of chickpeas

Place the chickpeas in a large bowl, and add the following seasonings:

1 teaspoon Tumeric

1 teaspoon Garlic powder

1 teaspoon Cumin

1 teaspoon smoked Paprika

Kosher salt

Toss with 2 tablespoons of olive oil and place on a cookie sheet.  Bake at 400 degrees for 1 hour and 20 minutes, tossing every 20 minutes.  YUM!


How was your week?  Do you take regular vacations? What’s your favorite healthy snack?  Have a great week, y’all!

❤ Michelle

33 thoughts on “Refocusing and a recipe”

  1. We do take regular vacations. Florida every year–altho this was probably our last time as a family. And both my parents and Mike’s dad have places in Wisconsin, so we go up there a lot too. Again, things may change this summer. I’m not comfortable leaving the boys home alone.

    Great job on the 15 miler!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. My 8 year old daughter LOVES chickpeas! Her favorite is baked with sea salt and nutritional yeast. She said they taste like what she imagines cheesy popcorn would be. She also loves them with cinnamon sugar for a treat.

    AWESOME job on your long run! When I get to doing mine again (hopefully soon!) I will think of how motivating you are.

    Favorite vacation spot WITH kids is Wisconsin Dells. Favorite vacation spot WITHOUT kids is by far Memphis!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Vacations….I think I remember those from long ago…. 🙂 We haven’t been on a real “family” vacation for a couple years, and that was Disney at Christmas/New Years (with half of the globe joining us). Our oldest daughter has been in college for almost 3 years, and did an internship last summer, so it’s really hard to get the entire family away. Too many activities, too little time, yadda yadda yadda. We do long weekend trips now and then, those are more manageable for right now. The chick peas look yummy!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I actually prefer solo runs, although I realise it’s not for everyone. I enjoy getting lost in the sounds on the headphones and the early morning sights. Particularly at this time of year when the lambs and calves are out a-frolickin’! But I’m finding the running tough at the moment alright, coming back from a horrible hacking cough. Making progress though – managed 5 miles without any major coughing fits, albeit at a slow pace. only 5 weeks till the Mull of Kintyre half marathon (and our vacation in the wilds of bonnie Scotland!! Yaay!!), so I’m hoping to be back in the long runs later this week. And if I have to stop and walk for some of it, so be it!

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  5. Woohoo!!! Look at you go missy rockin’ the 15 miler. I’m proud of that for ya’! And spicy chickpeas … had them and love them 😉 xoxo

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Sounds like a wonderful weekend all around. Those snacks look great! And I agree, cutting back on social media etc. to spend more time as a family? Nothing better.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. You killed your long run this week! I have no idea how you managed 15 miles all by yourself!! That’s something I try to avoid with every fiber of my being because I go through that same emotional struggle once I have to do over 10 miles by myself. Eek!!
    Amazing job and so glad you are enjoying all that family time too. It really is so important ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Way to refocus 🙂 sounds like you had a great running week.! way to stick through that 15 miler.
    and a vacation sounds so awesome.!!

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Great job on getting that solo long run done. I always run my long ones with people and I think I’d struggle mentally if I had to be out running for two and a half hours with only my thoughts for company.

    Liked by 1 person

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