Three things

Three things, Thursday aka TTT

This week has been a doozy…So here’s my three things for the week…

1. Being a single parent is HARD.  This is no new news, or break through in today’s society but pardon me while I whine for a little bit.  Folders, homework, dinners, snacks, laundry, projects mixed in with a career outside the home and being a ‘taxi driver’ is tough.  Argh!


2. Stress can cause migraines.  Migraines can suck terribly.  Yeah…coming off my second one in a month has been NO FUN.  Those that suffer from head colds, sinus issues, or headaches/migraines realize that this is a show stopper when it comes to running, working out, or fitness of any sort if you get these issues to the extreme I do…so yeah.  Insert lazy slug slogan, here…I did get my plank in today…does that count?

This pretty much sums it up...(pic via google)
This pretty much sums it up…(pic via google)

3. Taking forced time off from fitness isn’t always easy.  But it leaves time for snuggles on the couch with my girls, phone calls later in to the evening with my sister, and scratching my head as I compose my next blog post.  So it’s not all bad, right? Although I may have a felt a little like this, this week….

Pic via google
Pic via google

So tomorrow I am off from work, but still am getting up at O’dark 30 to get my kids ready and off to school. I requested a massage appointment, realizing it’s last minute, but praying all the same I get to use the gift card my friend Melissa got me for my birthday….WIN.  I work Saturday and Sunday so this would be epic!

Do you deal with migraines?  Have kiddos you have to take care of on your own?

Happy Thursday!

❤ Michelle





22 thoughts on “Three things, Thursday aka TTT”

  1. HUGS to you 🙂 Knock on wood (with great force!) I have never had a migraine, but I have heard what a nightmare they are. And, I have done a couple stints as a single parent when the husband was deployed (both times for 4-month periods)…yes, that is also mucho tough . I can feel your pain. Chin up! Hoping you’re feeling better soon 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Only ever had 2 migraines in my life thank goodness, staved off a few more. In a way, like you say, it can be good to slow down and not worry about exercise for a bit …. frustrating, but good xx


  3. Aw Michelle, I’m really sorry you have to deal with those migraines. I know (not from my own personal experience) how absolutely awful and debilitating they can be. My mom used to get them quite often (at least once a month) and she had to be hospitalized a few times for them – that’s how bad they were. I hope you are feeling better and you get that much needed massage today! ❤


  4. Boo to migraines. I get occular migraines which are fairly rare but I had two this week as well. WTH?? You know I have the chronically travelling caveman. He’s off to Cuba soon. :/


    1. Ack, I’m sorry Marcia! I’ve had a rash of ’em lately too, and they are getting in the way of my training-darn it! LOL! Sorry to hear about the caveman…Mine came home briefly last night, and leaves again at O dark 30 on Tuesday.


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