Tuesday Firsts, Uncategorized

Marathons and Deployments and how I tackle both with a similar strategy!

I had posted to my FB just last night that I was excited that tomorrow (today) marked week 2 of 52.  I have found that counting down by DAYS is far too mentally challenging in regards to my husband’s homecoming.  I mean, really, seeing 300+ days on my countdown app is quite disheartening to say the least.  A friend of mine, and fellow blogger Hanna over at The Millennial next door pointed out that 52/2 is 26.  And we all know that 26 (.2) miles is the marathon distance.  And suddenly the light bulb went on.  Light bulb!!!

pic from imagearcade.com


I have always prided myself in regards to distance running.  I am by far NOT a fast runner.  BUT…I can sure run far.  My mental strength has always gotten me through, in all aspects of life, really…  Last year’s full marathon was a mental feat of strength in and of itself, and I will forever boast about how proud I am of my sister for not quitting.  We were out on that road, in the cold, in the rain, in the drizzly fog that felt like little ice pellets poking us in the eyes by the 6th hour.  But.  We finished.  We are some pretty tough chickadees.

We finished!!!!!


So what does all this have to do with my husband’s deployment?  Well, I am going to break up the time into chunks, just like I do the distances of my long runs/races.  I count back as well as celebrate the time already completed.  For example, if I have to run 12 miles, I break it down to running 6 miles, twice….but once I get to the half way point of 6 miles, I then count down…5 miles to go, 7 miles in the books, and so on and so forth.  It sounds like a lot of math and we all know runners brain isn’t the sharpest, but it keeps me focused and it keeps me feeling strong.  It has worked for me, nearly every single race.  I’d be lying if I didn’t admit to a bad training run or race.  We’re only human right!

So my friends, every Tuesday we will have our deployment marathon countdown, filled with at least ONE first that occurred during that week.  I encourage you to post a “first” each week to the comments as well!  Challenge yourself to try new things, listen to new music, read a new book, cook a new recipe!  The options are limitless!

This week, we mailed our first care package to my husband (yesterday) and today I mailed him his first 5 lb. back of Atomic fireball candy, LOL.  I also challenged myself by taking the first steps in obtaining my professional license in Florida.  One can never be too prepared, right?

First package, MAILED!


We have survived 2 weeks of him being gone, 24 weeks until our halfway mark with 48 weeks to go.  I will admit, that nearly every single day so far has been a roller coaster.  I sometimes start off rough, and even out as the day goes along.  My routine is fairly set, but sometimes little things that normally wouldn’t push my buttons nearly send me through the roof. So tonight when I was contacted by Cascia from Healthy Mom’s magazine that I was listed in the top 100 running blogs, it was just the boost I needed to get out the door running tonight.  You can find the list HERE, please go check out these amazing blogs for more inspiration!!!

Tonight’s run-ingested several bugs, had to stop and cough up lung cookies several times, and my legs felt like bricks the first 3 miles. BUT. I ran. Did you?

SO who’s with me in regards to a new “First” every week? How do you tackle long distance challenges-both in life and in running?

Thanks everyone, you’ve all been amazing through this difficult time!!!



45 thoughts on “Marathons and Deployments and how I tackle both with a similar strategy!”

  1. I thought I was going to do my first Pure Barre class today, but ended up straining my back lifting a 40-pound box to the point that I can’t even touch my toes without severe OUCH! Maybe that’s a first? So I’ve canceled that class but I have credit to get it rescheduled for when I’m better. Dang! I even went out and bought exercise clothes! I hope my back calms down soon, I’ve never hurt my back this much. (Yes, I lifted it properly using straight back and using legs to pick up, it was when I had to then lift it even higher to put it on a shelf almost head height that did it.) :/


  2. Since I’m reading this late, I ran out of time for my first. Unless I can count running a race on Sunday that included about 2 miles on a gravel road. I’ve never run on gravel. Anyway, I love your idea to break it up like that. I think it will be better too. Congrats on your blog. I do love it a lot. I hope you’re feeling better soon and great job on your run. ❤️❤️❤️ Xoxoxoxo!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. What a great way to break it down! I do this too for running and biking; breaking it down into smaller chunks – it definitely makes it easier to deal with! Fireball candy – your hubby will be very happy when he receives them I’m sure!! So to join in on your fun; my first this week – I made a new type of dish for a challenge to be shared next Wednesday…okay, little hint…North Indian cuisine! Can’t wait to see what you share next week! XOXO 🙂 Linda~

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Congratulations on the top 100! That’ll put a spring in your step, won’t it!! I think it’s great how you are putting a positive swing on the countdown… I tend to run like that too, so I totally get your math… it doesn’t seem as daunting when you break it down!

    And I like the “firsts” idea! I did something today that was a first! I made your crock pot chicken parmesan! I’ll see if I can plate it pretty to take a picture and post about it tomorrow. It was early and I forgot to add the mushrooms, I was so bummed, but I did have a taste and it was super yummy. Even my 11-year-old liked it, and he hates everything I cook, lol!

    You’re doing great! Keep up the fabulous work! Nice run, by the way! (I accidentally slept right through mine today, tsk, tsk… that sure isn’t going to help me in my upcoming half). 😛


  5. Much love to Allison, but it was me, not her, that pointed this out on Facebook 🙂

    You are so strong, you can do this! Your marathon toughness will come through for you, I just know it!


  6. I like your halfway point strategy. On my long runs when the total distance seems overwhelming, I tell myself to just make it to the halfway point. Once I’m there it all gets easier (at least mentally), since there is less mileage remaining than the mileage I’ve already done! 🙂


  7. I like the “first/new” idea and your strategy for getting through the time. Hmm, sometimes it’s hard to think of a new thing done…I don’t know about earlier this week, but by this Friday, I’ll have submitted my first paper to a journal – that’s a pretty big one!


  8. Oh I love this!!! And congrats on the 100 top running blogs!

    Though my husband was not deployed he was away a lot the last 3 years working in another Province. He’d be gone for 3 days to 5 weeks randomly and we’d never know when he’d be home or how long. That changed about 8 months ago to a regular schedule of home 3 days, away 5 and now he is finally home all the time working here.

    I had many days that I didn’t think I would get through. Now we are adjusting to him being home and that’s a whole new challenge for us 🙂


  9. Great strategy!!! It’s all about perspective with all challenges in life, yes? I always want to try challenging myself to do different things, so this is super inspirational! Congrats on the top 100 running blogs. I love that picture of you and Bobbi!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  10. I try to break things down also… it makes things less overwhelming. Trying something new each week sounds like a great idea. Focusing on the positive always helps me.

    Liked by 1 person

  11. How did I miss this?! It think that this is a great idea. Think about perspective, and know that right now, you are scared of the things to come (the length of time, and the amount of time, just like with runs, you wonder if you will have the endurance to get through them), but remember that by the time you get to that point, you will be ready. You are stronger than you know!

    Liked by 1 person

  12. You are such a tough chickade!!! What a neat way to look at the countdown! I do that too counting down the miles I have to go and I promise my math skills leave a lot to be desired. But since it takes me so long to figure out it passes some time right!?! I love the firsts. I think one of my firsts was tonight I had negative splits on my run I was not even trying but it hardly ever happens so I’ll take it!
    One more week down girly! You got this!

    Liked by 1 person

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