Deployment thoughts, wednesday word

What works best for me…

When I saw the Wednesday word over at DebRuns was pragmatic, I just had to jump in for the link up.  Make sure to head over and check out her blog.!!!


From, the definition fit me perfectly. Well. Lately.

“The opposite of idealistic is pragmatic, a word that describes a philosophy of “doing what works best.” From Greek pragma “deed,” the word has historically described philosophers and politicians who were concerned more with real-world application of ideas than with abstract notions. A pragmatic person is sensible, grounded, and practical — and doesn’t expect a birthday celebration filled with magical creatures.”

Up until this deployment (well even before that to be honest as my single Mom duties have increased over the last several years) I dreamed of being so many different things.  A writer, an avid runner, a Chef at my own restaurant, a life changer and so many more magical things that put the light in my eye.  But as of late, the pragmatic side of me has since kicked in, and I find myself just doing what I can do get through the day.

But what kind of life is just getting through the day? Not one for me, I can tell you that.  So as I talked about last week, I wanted to start running again.  But with temps in the 90’s with humidity out the roof I decided I couldn’t put it off anymore.  Practicality was for the birds and I had an overflowing plate that needed to be cleared.

So last night I dusted off my treadmill, fired it up, and RAN TWO MILES.  Life changing?  No.  Day changing?  HECK YEAH.

The smile says it all, my mini snapped the pic!

After the run I was so pumped up that I did 20ish minutes of strength training and a NINE minute straight plank. Yup. I did that.

I was reminded of the amazing powers of a good workout.  My mood lifted, and I even slept for almost 4 hours straight last night, waking up only once for a total of 5 1/2 hours of sleep. #winning

So while doing what I can is all I CAN do right now, sometimes I still have to follow my heart.

Are you idealistic or pragmatic?  Thoughts on running on a treadmill?



27 thoughts on “What works best for me…”

  1. Yay! Day changing things are definitely worth holding on to if they change you’re day for the better 🙂 I’m a fan of the treadmill when the temperatures are as high as they have been lately.


  2. Treadmill running is not my favorite, but I’m glad that I have that option, and I’ll be on it tomorrow because after a couple of lovely days, we’re back to hot & humid (unusual for upstate NY).

    I can totally relate. I didn’t swim for a couple of weeks because Bandit isn’t really crate trained and I knew he wouldn’t be comfortable for that length of time in his crate. But this week, even though I knew he still wasn’t ready for the 2 hours it would take me, I knew I just needed to do it.

    It’s like on an airplane — you’ve got to put your oxygen mask on first!

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  3. Love the “life changing no, day changing heck ya”! That was me the other night. I wanted to do a 5-6k but at 9:30 pm with my husband working and just being exhausted from the day my 3k run was just perfect….day changing for sure!

    Liked by 1 person

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