
The empty seat

My very first guest post, on Rough and Rede II Please make sure to check out his awesome blog.

Rough and Rede II

dragoosBrian and Michelle Dragoo on their last date in Chicago before his deployment earlier this month.

Editor’s note: In the online world where friends and strangers occupy the same space, it’s  gratifying to have something you write recognized with a comment or a simple “like.” I noticed a while ago that a fellow blogger in the Midwest was kind enough to like a few of my posts. I read some of her posts as well, including one where she mentioned preparing for her husband’s deployment.

Knowing what we went through as parents when our youngest son spent a year in Afghanistan, I asked her to contribute a guest blog post. She readily accepted. I don’t know that I will ever meet Michelle Dragoo in person, but it’s nice to come across decent people like her  in other parts of the country.

By Michelle Dragoo

Often people ask me what it’s…

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9 thoughts on “The empty seat”

  1. Great guest post Michelle!!

    I actually tried to imagine how you are feeling and what you are going through and I just can’t bring myself to even begin to wrap my mind, feelings and heart around it!! Your strength and courage is amazing….You are amazing!

    Always thinking of you and your family!


  2. I honestly can’t imagine what you are going through. And you were in the Air Force, so you can relate to what he’s going through also – you have so many emotions that you have to deal with. So crazy. I know you are probably sick of hearing it, but you are one strong woman. I admire you! xo

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