Recipes, Wordless Wednesday

Never a wordless Wednesday

Although I haven’t joined the 30 day Yoga challenge, I have decided to include Yoga in my weekly routine, at least 1-2 times per week.  Those of you that know me, know I am NOT flexible…But I am working towards being a leaner, stronger, more flexible runner in 2015…so here we go…

Balanced and even??  Heck no...but I sure am trying.
Balanced and even?? Heck no…but I sure am trying.

And meet my amazing yoga partner, my mini Mover.

My 8 year old held strong for 30 minutes tonight; So proud!
My 8 year old held strong for 30 minutes tonight; So proud! (notice my photobombing dog, yeah…lol)

After work, and Yoga, we decided to prepare a healthy meal.  The chicken wings I had (again) in the Caf at work were NOT healthy. Argh.  Someone please pass me a side of will power, please…lol.  I am down 2 lbs so I won’t complain-too much…8 lbs to go…

We made a yummy salad with mixed greens of baby kale, arugula, and spinach along with some chopped romaine.  I added radishes, tomatoes, green onions and a healthy yogurt dressing.

Top your salad with crab meat that has been seasoned with a little Old Bay and YUM!
Top your salad with crab meat that has been seasoned with a little Old Bay and YUM!

Tonight we hunkered down on the couch and watched American Idol.  Yup…still a junky 13 years later.  There are very few shows we can catch on our ONE channel, but I’ve been trying to gather the family more at least a few nights per week for at least an hour.  We all love music in our house, so this show is a win/win.  And it’s an hour spent with my favorite people.  What more could I ask for?

And now I sit here, with my thoughts and honestly I think I’ll go to bed soon. In my efforts to disengage from FB, I still find myself checking back far too often seeing people’s posts that just (sorry) piss me off.  Why do I bother?  As my sister says….FB sure can be a ‘Life suck’…I need to not let it suck the life out of me.  This brings #SMDH (shaking my darn head) to a whole new level….

So tomorrow I have a good ole dready run on deck, and despite work, kids, housework, etc, I’ve decided to MAKE the time.  Because guess what….I NEED it.  This…is no longer a want.

OOPS, my laundry timer is going off…Back to reality gang!!!

What are your favorite cross training work outs if you are a runner?  Have you ever tried Yoga?

❤ Keep Movin’ Forward, y’all….Michelle



20 thoughts on “Never a wordless Wednesday”

  1. I didn’t join the challenge either but wish I had!!! I know yoga would be benefitial! Maybe I will do some today, thanks for the motivation 🙂 Also I didn’t know you were leaving FB?!


  2. I’ve been trying to add yoga (and am now back on trying it for realz), but it is a PAIN. I make myself do it, but I still hate it. The things we do for running!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Yoga is definitely my favorite cross training activity. I’m about to get back to incorporating yoga into my weekly routine. I felt so good when I did it in the summer and I need more of it in my life! I’m not so flexible either :/ So fun that your daughter did it with you!! ❤

    And about the FB thing: whenever I find that certain people's statuses seem to bother me, I unsubscribe from them (aka hide their posts). It helps a ton!!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I do yoga and body pump in addition to my running. Yoga does wonders for stretching me out and “undoing” all the strain that running puts on me. You have the cutest photo bomber!


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