
Sunday seranade

I see my previous post caught some attention both positive and negative.  And for the negative I apologize. 

I woke up today after having one too many cocktails on my own, well, feeling only briefly-sorry for myself.  I wanted to curl back up into bed and forget the world.  Yet when I checked my grades and saw I finished my MBA with an A in my final class, I realized I was being silly.  My youngest Sophia came to wake me, “breakfast!! Mommy!!!” and so I rolled out of bed to get ready for a fun day with my girls. 

We headed to Mel’s Diner for breakfast and instantly we were all in a wonderful mood.  The staff there knows us by first name, and it felt great to be greeted by sincere faces. 

We then headed to the local jeweler that we’ve bought my Pandora beads from recently. I bought myself a lady bug bead for good luck and the Journey bead as I’ve been through such a long journey with 12 years of schooling to finally complete my degree. 

After which we went to the craft store where I bought each daughter a set of paints, and they had a hay day having fun making magnets and canvases of art work. 

We finished the day with me getting my nails done, and we headed home to relax.  I decided to hit the gym, and made it over 3 miles and felt I could go longer I wanted to keep my energy for my long run early in the week.  But it felt good…to lose myself in the run, and just…run.  I made sure I got on a treadmill that had no TV screen, and just ran to the music I set for myself.  My celebration was complete. 

I finished the night with packing lunches, snacks, and laundry.  Was able to catch up with dear friends over the phone, and got a wonderful call from my papa. 

And now, I bid you all goodnight.  I am without words. 

10 thoughts on “Sunday seranade”

  1. Sounds great….especially the lady bug bead and Mel's Diner….do they have a waitress named Flo? Am I aging myself again or do you remember that show too? ;-)Today is my final prep day for Florida….have a great week…we will be gone until the 14th! YEA!


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