Deployment thoughts, Uncategorized

Strength, decisions and 9 weeks of deployment down!

So I’ve totally failed at regular blogging.  Guilty as charged!  I’ve been terrible at commenting on people’s blogs.  Guilty again!  I truly apologize, because I really do enjoy blogging.  Please don’t give up on me!  LOL!!!

But I am pouring myself in to my job, my KIDS, and improving my home right now, and that means some things have to give.  First being, blogging 3 times each week.  It’s rough finding spare time as we all know…so I’ve decided that I’m 99.9% not running the Rockford half marathon on the 22nd of this month.  (I originally signed up for the full, and that’s a definite NO). I haven’t trained, because that would mean taking far too much time away from my kids.  I’ve never not ran a race that I’ve signed up for, so the pride thing is still nagging at me a little, but I think I am ok with my choice.  Who knows, maybe I’ll wake up next weekend and change my mind.  Stranger things have happened.

So instead of marathon training, I’ve really jumped in with my weight training while maintaining cardio by running on the treadmill at least 2-3 times per week.  I can do this from the comforts of my own home, and that alleviates the guilt of having my 16 year old constantly babysitting her sister.  I’m in week two of weight training and am really seeing early results that please me, and make me smile. It’s nice to feel proud of ourselves from time to time, and while running will always be a love of mine, I’ve been lifting weights nearly just as long in my life and it feels good to feel strong again.  I’m also planking daily this month still, and I’ve started doing more core work every day.


So while I started this deployment with high hopes and plans, I am realizing I just need to take things one day at a time.  Because you just never know what life will give you on any certain day. And accepting that is tough for someone like me, because I plan…well…everything.  Here’s to flying by the seat of my pants!  LOL!!!!

Highs for the week are highlighted in photos:

Lows for the week were a little all over the place.  Without disclosing details I’ll say that the communication with my hubby has been minimal, and I had a really hard time after the kids went to bed on Mother’s day.  A good cry fest, and I was feeling a bit better the next day.

I will say, I can proudly add the title of “Plummer” to my list of titles, LOL.  Yup, gotta love the deployment curse!!!

Are you a planner?  For the Moms, did you have to work on Mother’s day?  Do you enjoy weight lifting?

Thanks for your awesome love and support, and patience during this crazy time.  I’m with y’all in spirit, I promise, and I will make a better effort to hang out with everyone! ❤




38 thoughts on “Strength, decisions and 9 weeks of deployment down!”

  1. Dude, don’t apologize for not blogging/reading blogs. You have a lot going on and even if you didn’t, you don’t owe any of us anything. We love hearing from you but seriously, do what you need to do!

    There’s no shame in not running a race you signed up for if its not gonna work out. Yeah it sucks to throw money away but shiz happens. I’ve always wondered why people get so weird about DNSing. In my opinion it’s better than forcing yourself through a race you’re not trained for or don’t want to do. This is supposed to be fun!

    I love your taking its day at a time motto. Such good advice. Your daughters are so sweet

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Damn! You are diesel! You look fabulous!

    Glad you had a wonderful Mother’s Day! ❤️

    Your care packages look incredibly well thought out and organized! Not that I’m surprised but I surely am impressed!

    And, finally, don’t worry about keeping up with us. Worry about you. We got you. We support you and want you to focus on those beautiful girls and your sanity. 😘

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Life never goes as planned, and that is the one thing we can plan on, LOL
    I had about 3 weeks myself where I was blogging sparse, and to be honest I am still trying to figure out how to fit it all in. Like you I truly enjoy it, but I may have to cut back a little until I get life worked out a bit better. But I don’t think we need to be sorry about slacking off on it, it is a hobby right so it happens:)
    Glad to hear from you when you can blog!
    Keep busy, that time is flying 9 weeks down that’s an awesome thought!!!


  4. Well I am a totally new follower of yours for a few months when you first learned he was being deployed again. As far as your fitness routine, have you scoped out Pure Barre? I’m 53, haven’t exercised in over 20 years, and will be doing my 3rd class tomorrow. I know you like to run too, but if you want strength to go with the existing endurance training you are doing PLUS a core body, I think you should check it out. I can’t do almost half the exercises the past two classes, but the instructors are so nice and understanding. I’m sure you would slay the class, but I’ve heard runners and strength trainers actually struggle with the routines. Anyways sorry to blather on about this, but I know you will do in your heart what you need to do to get through his deployment. Hugs!


    1. Thanks for the info! With our crazy schedules, I am not able to take classes outside of the home at this time, so I’ve been getting creative about my home work outs! Thank you for the hugs and support! ❤


  5. No apologies necessary! Take care of you and your family!!

    Look at you! You go girl! You know I love the weights!

    4:13 plank!! Get it girl!!


    Hope your communication with the hubby increases.

    I hope you had a good mothers day even with the cry.

    Take care!


  6. Wow, look at those arms! Your work with the weights is really paying off 🙂 And it makes sense your attention is on your job, kids and home right now! Everyone understands and blogging will always be here.


  7. Don’t worry Michelle, we all support you whether you decide to run the race or not. We all understand that life gets in the way and you definitely have an excuse w everything going on with you. I enjoy lifting too. I can definitely tell a difference in my running after incorporating weight lifting into my routine.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. The last few weeks has me treading water on my blogging, any minute I’m going under! Just last night I took over an hour to watch a webinar on production and organization with social media to apply to my blogging instead of reading the many blogs I need to get to this week! I really hope to put some of what I learned in place and at least try and swim a few strokes a week. Hang in there lady!

    Liked by 1 person

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